Why students do not study Russian anymore

Udut, Kenneth kenneth.udut at SPCORP.COM
Tue Jun 6 13:25:35 UTC 2000

Response below:

|From: David Kaiser [mailto:dwkaiser at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU]
|Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 9:19 AM
|Subject: Re: Why students do not study Russian anymore
|5> Scholarly research. There is some great stuff written in Russian about
|math, linguistics, physics, history, psychology, and many other fields, not
|all of which has been translated into English.

This is closest to one of the big
reasons why I am studying Russian.

There is a lot of material available in Russian
which has not been translated into English.

In my area of interest, it is religious publications,
which slowly trickle their way into English translations,
but meanwhile, are growing musty on monastery shelves.

The area of Russian scientific study of the mind
and memory is another area that fasctinates me, and that
I'm aware that there is a lot of material out there,
that I'd like to be able to read and understand.

Also, that Russian scientific interests are quite similar
helps a lot as well --- if English language publications
and Russian language publications in scientific literature
were combined, there would be a heck of a corpus of
knowledge available!

It's like hidden nuggets of treasure, hiding
behind the obscuring face of Cyrillic and
all of those 'hush' sounds.  To me, this is exciting.


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