Why students do not study Russian anymore

Cheri C Wilson wils0141 at AMETHYST.TC.UMN.EDU
Tue Jun 6 15:11:52 UTC 2000

On Mon, 5 Jun 2000, Stephen J. Bobick wrote:

> In addition, I would argue that a major difficulty is that many do not
> have a firm grasp of English grammar.
> -- Stephen Bobick

I agree!  It is very difficult to teach a language (any language) to
native English speakers when they have a poor grasp of English grammar.  I
have been wondering what students are now being taught about grammar in
elementary and secondary schools.  When I was an elementary and secondary
school student in the mid-late 70s through the late 80s, we at least were
required to sentence diagramming so that we would know how the various
parts of speech were used, etc.

--Cheri C. Wilson

Cheri C. Wilson
Ph.D. candidate, Russian history
Teaching Fellow
Loyola College in Maryland
Department of History
4501 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210-2699
Office telephone: (410) 617-2017
Fax: (410) 617-2832
E-mail: CWilson3 at loyola.edu

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