Why students do not study Russian anymore

Alexander.Boguslawski at ROLLINS.EDU Alexander.Boguslawski at ROLLINS.EDU
Wed Jun 7 13:21:53 UTC 2000

I am following the discussion with great interest.  However, I am surprised
that nobody yet pointed out that the lack of interest in Russian, as well as
in everything else requiring effort, is a part of the overall dismal state
of our educational system.  Students are not prepared -- universities have
become more of remedial institutions than institutions of higher learning.
Try to assign your students a short poem to memorize -- let's say, Ya vas
lyubil -- and you'll see that a tiny fraction will be able to do it.  Are
they less intelligent than our parents or us?  No.  They were simply never
taught how to study hard.  Improve overall preparation of our students, and
the enrollments will rise.  Thanks for reading,

Alexander Boguslawski,
Professor of Russian Studies
Rollins College

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