CFP: Contemporary East Europ. Women Poets

allan reid russky at UNB.CA
Wed Jun 7 15:49:42 UTC 2000


Submissions are sought for a special issue of CANADIAN SLAVONIC PAPERS,
edited by Allan Reid, on Contemporary East European Women Poets.  Proposals
and brief abstracts (50 words) should be submitted by August 15, 2000, with
complete submissions due on Nov 15, 2000.

Be sure to reply offlist with requests for further information or
submissions to  russky at

allan reid

Allan Reid
Chair, Dep't of Culture and Language Studies
Associate Professor of Russian

University of New Brunswick     tel: (506) 458-7714
P.O. Box 4400                   fax: (506) 447-3166
Fredericton, N.B.     
Canada   E3B 5A3

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