Russian anymore

Pavel Samsonov p0s5658 at ACS.TAMU.EDU
Wed Jun 7 17:56:22 UTC 2000

> About memorization: actually, I suspect that the real problem is that the
> students were never _asked_ to memorize, especially poetry. The argument
> among educationists was that "lock-step" was no way to teach kiddies. And
> that sheer memorization was too mechanical and did not require or enhance
> the ability to think.
> So the poor b------- grew up with nothing to refer to.
> Genevra Gerhart

I have been successfully using some simple memorization technique with my
adult students, who normally detest memorization.
I try to make it fun.
What I do I write a message of 3-4 sentences on a board and get them to read
it. Then I erase some words and get the students to read the message one by
one pretending that the words are there, then remove some more words until
someone actually reads from the clean board. They get ecstatic because they
realize that in 2-3 minutes they can memorize a text of 15-25 words! And
there is a covert competition among the students.

I prefer to to it with a computer and a projector. If you have created
several slides with links between them, you can always get back to the
previous or original slide. And you can store the slides for further use.

It is also a great device for aptitude testing. Those who can memorize short
text easily, will make better progress.

The messages should be topical, fun (if it is not fun it won't work) and
within their interests (movies, music,etc.).

It works!
With compliments,

Pavel (Paul) Samsonov
EDAD, College of Education,
Texas A&M University
tel. (409) 862-7771 (lab)
      (409) 862-9152 (home)
fax (409) 862-4347
e-mail p0s5658 at

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