Why students do not study Russian anymore

Alexander.Boguslawski at ROLLINS.EDU Alexander.Boguslawski at ROLLINS.EDU
Wed Jun 7 19:15:11 UTC 2000

Dear Alina,

I can find counterarguments to almost anything;  and yet, denying the fact
that students really do not know what hard work is and the fact that
many come to the college or university almost illiterate (and leave almost
illiterate), is avoiding a discussion of the ways we could improve our
educational system.  I have had wonderful, hard working students -- but
over the years the proportion of good students to bad changed dramatically.
In a class of 15 there may be now five, who work hard or close to their
potential;  fifteen years ago there were at least ten.  I also realize
that there are different schools with a different caliber of students;
but the fact that they do not know how to read, don't know how to write,
have incredibly limited vocabulary and incredibly underdeveloped "basic"
knowledge (geography, history, art, music etc.) is a fact and, unless
profound reform takes place, will remain a fact.
Alexander Boguslawski

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