Why students do not study Russian anymore

Wladzimier Katkowski wladzia at NETAGE.BG
Thu Jun 8 14:20:12 UTC 2000

VShell wrote:

> other examples.  Actually our society reminds me much more of that
> described in "Fahrenheit 451" - i.e. a society more and more dependent on
> constant aural, visual and other entertainment/stimulation.

Yea, Ray Bradbury was damn right about the psychlogical part. But due to the
numerous technological breakthroughs the whole society will probably be
controlled more similiarly to what we saw in "The Matrix" by Wachowski
brothers, at least I think so. By the way, Stanislaw Lem told in one
interview to some German magazine that he considers Internet to be a very
dangerous unstudied phenomenon, and that he himself first started using it,
but now doesn't even have an email. And he is the one credited with the
first mention of Internet idea in SF literature!


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