Dekuji mockrat!

Leslie Farmer Zemedelec at AOL.COM
Thu Jun 8 23:59:02 UTC 2000

To all who replied to my "Czech for geezers" posting:
Thank you!
Some of the material I have, some was quite unknown to me and I'll be
pursuing it.
One more question (I must not have expressed myself earlier as clearly as I
would have wished):
Is anyone out there aware of material, accessible to a layperson (non-student
of linguistics, etc.)  on language teaching/learning with older students? The
reason I ask is that I have some experience of a "difficult" language
(Arabic) but I studied it in my 20s.  Czech is supposed to be comparatively
easier for English speakers, but I swear it seems harder.  I assume this has
something to do with being over two decades older, and I want to find out if
there are any strategies around whatever difficulties my agin' brain may be
putting in my way.

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