
Pavel Samsonov p0s5658 at ACS.TAMU.EDU
Fri Jun 9 00:17:15 UTC 2000

With compliments,

Pavel (Paul) Samsonov
EDAD, College of Education,
Texas A&M University
tel. (409) 862-7771 (lab)
      (409) 862-9152 (home)
fax (409) 862-4347
e-mail p0s5658 at acs.tamu.edu
----- Original Message -----
From: "E. Boyle" <emboyle at U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: Lem

> Oh, come on now, people.  "Boasting" about not using the internet or email
> or even computers will get us no where with our current crop of students.
> The fact of the matter is, our "audience" as it were consists of kids who
> have been brought up on TV, movies and, yes, the computer, **whether we
> like it or not**.  A university education is no longer the prized
> possession of the very rich, the very privileged and the very erudite.
> Hate to tell ya, but that's democracy in action.  So I suggest we stop
> moaning about the sorry state of American culture (an opinion I don't
> share), stop whining about how "kids today" are completely uncultured
> (they are not), and get on with the business of trying to figure out how
> best to teach the students of today.  If new teaching methods are called
> for, then let's put our energies there.  Our students may not be able to
> spell "Luddites," but I bet they know them when they see them.
> Eloise
> ***************
> Eloise M. Boyle
> Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
> University of Washington
> Box 353580
> Seattle, WA  98195
> On leave 2000-2001
> e-mail: emboyle at u.washington.edu
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