Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Ukrainian Studies, U of Ottawa

Natalia Pylypiuk natalia.pylypiuk at UALBERTA.CA
Fri Jun 9 06:03:27 UTC 2000


The Chair of Ukrainian Studies of the University of Ottawa seeks
applications of candidates for  a two-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Main duties will include:
Working with the Chair's Committee on carrying into effect the
instituted study-and-research programmes on contemporary Ukraine;
Conducting publishable research, and giving specialized lectures on
Ukrainian and related East and Central European subjects, as well as
subjects pertaining to Canada-Ukraine relations;
PhD (or equivalent) degree in Social Sciences, obtained within the
last 5 years;
Specialization in Ukrainian Studies
Pertinent research record
Knowledge of English and Ukrainian.  Command of French would be an asset
(the University of Ottawa is a bilingual French-English institution) .
Post-Doctoral level in accordance with the University of Ottawa's
policy on Post-Doctoral Fellows.
Date of Appointment:
January or July 2001.
Documentation required:
To apply, please submit a curriculum vitae, and three letters of
reference before
June 30, 2000 to:
Chair of Ukrainian Studies,
University of Ottawa
559 King Edward Ave.,
P.O. Box 450, Stn A
Ottawa ON    K1N 6N5.

Phone (613) 562-5800 ext. 3692
Fax (613) 562-5351
E-mail:  ukrain at

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