Victor Pelevin

Steve Marder asred at HOME.COM
Sat Jun 10 19:36:08 UTC 2000

> Has anyone heard of the author mentioned in the subject line? (he was
> featured in an article in the New York Times Magazine on 1/23/00).

In certain circles, Pelevin just has to be one of the hottest names
around at the moment!

In a recent review of Pelevin's "Buddha's Little Finger," the reviewer
refers to the author as "the sharpest, most astute and darkly witty
Russian writer today."

> Further, have any of his books been translated and published in English?

Check out the following URL, and then search for "Pelevin":

You can then choose whatever encoding -- koi-win-iso-lat-iso-mac -- you
desire. The Pelevin section contains much of interest, mostly in
Russian, but there is also material in English translation. (I haven't
read any of the latter and so cannot comment on the quality of the translations.)

> Last, are there any authors like him in style and content in Ukraine writing in
> either Russian or Ukrainian?

I will pass on this one.

Steve Marder

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