A word on pedagogy

Kenneth Brostrom kenneth.brostrom at WAYNE.EDU
Sun Jun 11 15:52:03 UTC 2000

A language-teaching specialist, whose name I can no longer recall, passed
on the following piece of advice to me and a group of my colleagues: "Every
language teacher should begin the study of a new language every five years,
just to remember what it's like."

>The key to teaching anything is to remember what it was like
>not to understand that thing. That's a  very hard thing to do.
>Every time you come to understand something you didn't
>understand before, you are transformed. You become a
>different person from who you were before. The key to teaching
>someone else to understand that same thing is to remember
>your former, untransformed self. If you can do that, I think you
>can teach anything, even physics.
>                                                    David Goodstein
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Kenneth Brostrom
Assoc. Prof. of Russian
Dept. of German and Slavic Studies
443 Manoogian Hall
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI 48202
Telephone: (313) 577-6238
FAX (313) 577-3266
E-mail: kenneth.brostrom at wayne.edu

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