Russian rap and how to get students to study Russian

Marta Sherwood-Pike msherw at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Mon Jun 12 04:50:48 UTC 2000

In my experience, Russians and especially non-Russian speakers of Russian
with specific training in language pedagogy (one of our best teaching
assistants was Hungarian) were very skilled and brought out the best in
students at every level, native English speaking graduate students with a
committment to teaching were OK if they had a decent supervisor and course
materials that worked, and everything else was pretty disastrous. One
needs to work with the assumption that the students in your courses would
like to learn Russian, for whatever reason. Holding out a carrot on a
stick is fine, but if the road is a dead end, or the carrot turns out to
be made of plastic, then the program will ultimately decline. -Martha

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