Is there anything similar to Limericks in Russian?

Pavel Samsonov p0s5658 at ACS.TAMU.EDU
Mon Jun 12 15:29:24 UTC 2000

> Is there a style of poetry in Russian
> similar to the English Limerick?
> -Kenneth

There is a book called "Mother Goose Rhymes" with an incredible collection
of English Limericks. Most of them are translated into Russian. I don't have
this book on me right, it is across the ocean.

But S.Marshak and K. Chukovski made many limericks part of the Russian
children's litterature.

"Poter'ali kot'atki na doroge perchtaki" - "Kittens lost their mittens" -

"Zhil na svete chelovek, skr'uchennye nozhki, imgul'al on tselyj vek po
skr'uchennoj dorozhke" (Crooked man)

"Shaltai-boltaj sidel na stene, shaltaj-boltaj svalils'a vo sne"

And many, many more!

These verses have long been considered Russian, and very few people realize
that they are translated English limericks.

With compliments,

Pavel (Paul) Samsonov
EDAD, College of Education,
Texas A&M University
tel. (409) 862-7771 (lab)
      (409) 862-9152 (home)
fax (409) 862-4347
e-mail p0s5658 at

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