Is there anything similar to Limericks in Russian?

anon at anon at
Tue Jun 13 00:08:13 UTC 2000

>> Is there a style of poetry in Russian
>> similar to the English Limerick?
>> -Kenneth
There is such a thing as "russkij limerik" which has a built in unspoken

Ivan Ivanych izdavna
Nosil s soboj kusok ... gazety

[Comment]  Really? So, is that the Russian limerick? How interesting.
There's a site full of limericks in Russian which, as we now know, are not
the same as Russian limericks, and not all of the limericks on the site are
And there's a game analogous to Millionaire. It's called O, Schastlivchik!,
and one can find it on the web and download it.


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