Eliza available in Russian version?

Kenneth E Udut simplify3 at JUNO.COM
Wed Jun 14 04:01:45 UTC 2000

Is the artificial
intelligence program/game
ELIZA (the "computer psychologist")
which has been around for a very long time,
available in a Russian version?

I've seen it in BASIC in English
(I once typed it in years ago back
when the only way to -get- programs
was to -make- them!), but would
like to know if someone has put a version
together in Russian.

DOS or Windows preferred, or source code even better...

I think it could be a good resource when needing
someone to talk to and practice Russian with,
but no humans around  [and counting up and
down numbers or practicing phrases during
"down time" can get tiresome sometimes).

With my fingers crossed,  -Kenneth
simplify3 at juno.com, kenneth.udut at spcorp.com

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