To Chairs of U.S. Departments of Slavic/Russian programs

Jolanta M. Davis jmdavis at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Thu Jun 15 13:27:52 UTC 2000

Dear Professor,

I would like to publish in the next, September, issue of AAASS NewsNet some
data about recent graduates in the Russian and East European studies and
Russian and Slavic Languages and Literatures. If possible, could you please
send me (to newsnet at by Friday, July 14 a list of your
recent graduates including:
- name
- degree awarded (B.A., M.A., Ph.D., or other)
- title of thesis or dissertation
- employment prospects or future education plans (whether the graduate
already secured employment or not; if so, please provide the name of the
organization and the title of position obtained; or if the graduate is
planning further study, please note whether he/ she already got admitted
into a graduate program and where)
- total number of degrees in each category (B.A., M.A., Ph.D., or other)
awarded this year by your institution (university or college)

The main reason I am asking for names of graduates is that if they are
AAASS members, I will put in an announcement about their graduation in the
"Personages" column. However, if you think that this information is too
confidential to send me, please provide at least the number of degrees
awarded in each category (B.A., M.A., Ph.D., or other), the number of your
graduates who already secured employment or were admitted into graduate
schools, and the total number of degrees in each category awarded this year
by the university or college (for counting the percentage of graduates who
majored in Russian and Slavic studies).

Thank you very much for your help in obtaining this information. I hope
that AAASS members would be interested in seeing statistics on recent
graduates and if I get good comments about this survey, I am planning to
run similar information in each September issue of NewsNet.

Jolanta Davis
Jolanta M. Davis
Publications Coordinator and NewsNet Editor
American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS)
8 Story Street
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
tel.: (617) 495-0679
fax: (617) 495-0680

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