Ukrainian Books

Yelena Spivak yspigak at MINDSPRING.COM
Fri Jun 16 01:59:42 UTC 2000

Hi, Kat. I have read about those books in Ukrainian and thought that it
might be a good idea to offer them to the Solvay School Library. In Solvay
School district there  are about 150 students from Ukraine and I  am sure
they will appreciate this gift. If you would like to I can ask if school
could cover mailing expenses. Thanks, Yelena
-----Original Message-----
From: Kat Tancock <tancockk at UVIC.CA>
Date: Thursday, June 15, 2000 9:34 AM
Subject: Ukrainian Books

>The University of Victoria Russian Course Union recently had a number
>boxes) of Ukrainian books - both in Ukrainian and in English, but mostly in
>Ukrainian - donated to us. Since we don't offer Ukrainian Studies here and
>we have limited space in our Reading Room, we are hoping to give them to
>someone who would be able to use them.
>We were thinking that perhaps there is a school in Alberta, perhaps, or
>somewhere which would have need of these books and offer to pay the postage
>for us to send them.
>Does anyone have any clues as to who would want these books?
>Kat Tancock
>UVic CALL Facility
>tancockk at
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