Keyboard stickers

atacama atacama at GLOBAL.CO.ZA
Thu Jun 22 17:15:22 UTC 2000

Stickers are pretty and you can buy them over the Internet from Russian
Life and Panorama.
I use koki-pen/ball-point/biro and write myself the Russian letters on the
and some people cut out their own cellotape and stick it over.
But best is to have a little programme by which you type in phoenetical way -
such as - hit the English "R" and you have a Russian "P".
This makes typing for us Anglo-educated much much faster, and we do not
have to relearn the Soviet key-board.


Vera Beljakova

>как дела? I would like to have Russian spellchecker. Please let me
know how
>you did it. Also, I am looking for Russian stickers I can put on the key
>Are you going home this summer?
>Elena Kobzeva-Herzog
>elenakh at
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Pavel Samsonov <p0s5658 at ACS.TAMU.EDU>
>Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 9:41 AM
>Subject: Russian spellcheck
>> Dear SEELANGers'
>> I have just installed the Russian spellcheck. Works great! I never
>> I was making so many typos.
>> If you want it installed, just let me know, I will e-mail it to you with
>> instructions (dead easy!)
>> With compliments,
>> Pavel (Paul) Samsonov
>> EDAD, College of Education,
>> Texas A&M University
>> tel. (979) 862-7771 (lab)
>>       (979) 862-9152 (home)
>> fax (979) 862-4347
>> e-mail p0s5658 at
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