natives: russian

Dagmar Divjak Dagmar.Divjak at ARTS.KULEUVEN.AC.BE
Tue Jun 27 15:26:15 UTC 2000

Dear Seelangers,

I'm a second year phd student in russian linguistics (syntax). In order to
collect data, I am

1. looking for russians (living in or outside Russia) that are prepared to
answer (e-mailed) questions, once or twice a month. Questions will concern
word order/position, collocations, alternative formulations, differences in
meaning between highly similar constructions etc.

If you are a native russian with a thorough knowledge of your mothertongue
(and good intuitions!) and are willing to cooperate, please contact me
dagmar.divjak at

2. trying to find links to (transliterated) text corpora (at present, I'm
using the Uppsala-Tuebingen corpora). Please respond directly to
dagmar.divjak at

Thanks in advance,


Katholieke universiteit Leuven
Departement voor Oosterse en Slavische studies
Instituut voor Slavistiek
t.a.v. Dagmar Divjak
Blijde Inkomststraat 21
3000 Leuven

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