short stories written by women

Donnie Sendelbach sendelba at BARD.EDU
Fri Jun 30 14:54:04 UTC 2000

>Dear all,
>As I have said before on this list, I am compiling an anthology of
>Russian short stories for Penguin  Classics. I would be grateful for help
>over 2 questions:
>1) Are there any neglected women writers whom I should be including?  At
>present I am including Teffi, Prismanova, Tsvetaeva (yes, she did write
>one excellent short story!), Vera Inber and Petrushevskaya; and possibly

You might also consider Irina Ratushinskaia ("Krushenie mifa").
Donnie Sendelbach, Ph.D.
Mellon Technology Fellow in Writing
404 Stevenson Library
Bard College
Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504
(914/845) 758-7829
fax (914/845) 758-6413

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