Russian writers in France

Alina Israeli aisrael at AMERICAN.EDU
Fri Dec 14 22:43:44 UTC 2001

>There is also Nathalie Sarraute, who writes in French.

I apologize for being a commentator once again:

She wrote in French, but was Russian by birth:

      Sarraute, Nathalie
      1900-1999, French novelist,
      b. Ivanovo, Russia, as Natasha Tcherniak;

Being Jewish, during the occupation she posed as a governess of her own
daughter to hide from the nazi. She is someone who started writing late in

Alina Israeli
LFS, American University                phone:  (202) 885-2387
4400 Mass. Ave., NW                     fax:    (202) 885-1076
Washington, DC 20016

aisrael at

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