East European Language Training Grants, Institutional Grants

Natalia Haimson natalia at ACLS.ORG
Mon Dec 17 18:33:02 UTC 2001

Pending confirmation of funding, the ACLS will offer grants of up to
$10,000 to U.S. institutions to support beginning or intermediate courses
providing intensive instruction in East European languages in year 2003
summer programs in the United States.  Support will be available for
Albanian, Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian, Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian,
Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, or Slovene.  The intent of this
program is to assure the availability of elementary instruction in all of
these languages and of intermediate instruction in the more commonly taught
of them. A single school may apply for several awards.

The deadline for the receipt of completed applications for programs to be
conducted in summer 2003 is February 15, 2002.  Applicants will be notified
of awards by May 30, 2002.  Send completed applications to:  Office of
Fellowships and Grants, ACLS, 228 East 45 Street, New York, NY 10017-3398.
There are no application forms.

To apply, a proposal should be submitted not exceeding five typed, double-
spaced, 8½ x 11" pages, plus succinct teaching c.v.'s of the proposed
instructors, and a detailed budget describing how the award will be used.
Non-xeroxable brochures, catalogues, or bound material should not be
included.  Proposals must be submitted by mail; they will not be accepted
by fax, e-mail, or other electronic means.  Applicant institutions that
have received ACLS grants for summer programs in the last three years must
have submitted final reports for each of those programs to ACLS.  Final
reports will be reviewed by the selection committee in making awards for

Language instruction should be offered in an intensive course lasting 6-8
weeks.  It should be designed to prepare the students to do further work on
their own after returning to their home institutions and also to activate
their use of the language when they go abroad to an area where it is
spoken.  The course should therefore cover all of the basic structures of
the language, emphasize reading ability, and include conversational
skills.  Emphasis should be given to attaining usable proficiency in the
language as quickly as possible.  Courses should provide at least 3-4
contact hours of language instruction, five days per week.  Instructors
should have appropriate academic credentials and demonstrated teaching
skills.  Applications should describe proposed teaching methods and
materials, listing the texts and other materials to be used, and should
estimate and categorize enrollment by numbers of graduate students,
undergraduates, etc.

Grants are primarily intended to support faculty salaries.  Funds may also
be requested for instructional materials and other expenses, but not for
university overhead.  Supported programs must waive tuition for graduate
students specializing in East European studies in any discipline.

ACLS will publicize the summer programs of study supported by these
grants.  The purpose is to inform individuals of the options for summer
intensive language study as far in advance as possible.  It is hoped that
this publicity will have a positive impact on enrollments in ACLS-funded
language programs.

For further application guidelines contact Natalia Haimson
(natalia at acls.org)

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