looking for intensive language courses in Russia

Gabriel Coleman Coleman at ACTR.ORG
Mon Dec 17 20:52:58 UTC 2001

Dear SEELANGers,

For the general information of users of this list, there is indeed a Moscow International University.  It is located at Leningradskii Prospekt, 17, between the Belorusskaia and Dinamo metro stations.  It was the first accredited private university in the post-Soviet Russian Federation, founded in 1992 by Gennadi Yagodin, former Minister of Education of the Soviet Union under Gorbachev.  Yagodin continues to act as rector of the university.  You can find out more information about this very well-respected Russian university by visiting their website at www.interun.ru.

The American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS has been running Russian Language Programs there for over five years.  Our students receive twenty hours per week of language instruction from specialists in the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, which is headed by G.A. Kitaigorodskaia, a noted specialist in the field.  To find out more information about our semester, academic year and summer programs at Moscow International University, please visit our website at www.actr.org.

>>> Belianine Valeri <vbelyanin at MTU-NET.RU> 12/17/01 08:31AM >>>
Bonjour, Slavic & East European Languages and Literature list!

There are a lot of summer courses in Russia nowadays. Most of them
are run by just linguists, who sometimes do not know the difference
between teaching language to a foreigner and to a native person. And
there are a lot that are _pri_ that is "at", or "nearby" not "in" the
University. Chose the best.
I would strongly recommend the oldest faculty for foreigners
that is located in Moscow State University exactly in the Center for
International education.  <www.cie.ru>
If you need more information you may ask me offline.
p.s. I am not quite sure that there is such thing as
> Moscow International University
because in Center for International Eduacation of Moscow State
University there are intensive courses in friendly atmosphere.
and highly professional.

Yours truly, Dr. Val Belianine vbleyanin at mtu.ru 

Y> Dear Saskia,
Y> The very best place that I know is Moscow International University. Their
Y> program is based on Moscow State University Russian as a Second Language
Y> Department and is connected with Kitaigorodskaya School of Intensive
Y> Language Learning. Some professors who are teaching there are specializing
Y> in intensive method of teaching Russian. Try to contact them, and they will
Y> give you all information. Their email: <kitling at interun.ru>

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