Viacheslav Ivanov's "Sobor sv. Marka"

Margarita Nafpaktitis mnafpakt at UMICH.EDU
Tue Dec 18 16:22:48 UTC 2001

Dear colleagues,

I am trying to find an exact date for Viacheslav Ivanov's "Sobor sv.
Marka" which begins

Tsar'gradskikh solnts zamknuv v sebe luchi,
Ty na porfirakh temnykh i agatakh
Stoish', sogben, kak patriarkh v bogatykh
I tiazhkikh rizakh kovanoi parchi, (...)

The one edition of Ivanov's collected works that was available at my
university library has no notes or dates.

If anyone has any ideas, I'd be most grateful.

Thank you in advance,

Margarita Nafpaktitis

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