Summary: Cyrillic for email, etc on Macs

Scott Petersen skotchik at YBB.NE.JP
Mon Dec 31 01:27:01 UTC 2001

I would like to thank Benjamin, Yoshimasa, Kjetil, and Paul for their
advice. Unfortunately, none of their techniques worked. Word just
doesn't want to play nicely with Web stuff in Russian -- at least for
me. I did find a script converter which did work. However, I found an
easier answer. If you use Netscape 6.2, then you can open a none-frame
page in Composer; it won't work with frames. Choose File --> Edit page.
This opens the page in the Composer component of the Netscape. Also, you
can copy and paste into Composer. Then when you choose "File --> Save as
Charset ..." you can specify the character set to save in. Select
"Cyrillic (MacCyrillic)" and you are all set. You also need to register
the word processor as Russian.

Thanks again.

Scott Petersen

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