Job Announcement Drew University

Carol Ueland cueland at DREW.EDU
Fri May 3 17:11:24 UTC 2002

The Dept. of German and Russian at Drew University in Madison, new
Jersey is seeking adjuncts to teach the following courses in the Fall, 2002

Second Year Russian (textbook Golosa, Book 2) 4 credits
Survey Russian Literature in Translation 4 credits
Two upper level Russian language modules one on verbs, the other advanced
composition (2 credits each)
A one credit conversation course which meets once a week
Survey of Russian Film

    Interested applicants should send a cover letter stating theirs
interests and qualifications, which courses they are interested in teaching,
a CV and three letters of recommendation to:

     Dr. Carol R. Ueland
     Dept. of German and Russian
     Drew University
     Madison, New Jersey 07940

     djuncts at Drew may teach no more than two courses.  We will take
applications until the positions are filled.

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