Conference Announcement

Brian Joseph bjoseph at LING.OHIO-STATE.EDU
Tue May 7 03:43:32 UTC 2002

Dear Slavicist colleagues:

Please take note of this conference announcement, and feel free to pass
word of this on to anyone else you think might be interested.

My thanks in advance,


*       Brian D. Joseph                                                      *
*       Professor of Linguistics & Kenneth E. Naylor Professor of            *
*            South Slavic Linguistics                                        *
*       Editor, _Language_                                                   *
*       The Ohio State University                                            *
*       Columbus, Ohio  USA  43210-1298                                      *
*       Phone:  614-292-4981 / Fax:  614-292-8833                            *
*       e-mail:  joseph.1 at                                            *


The 5th Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies
to be held one of the first three weekends in May 2003 (exact date still
to be decided) at the Ohio State University, in Columbus, Ohio.

This conference brings togetherscholars in the humanities and social
sciences from the United States, Canada and the Republic of Macedonia to
report on and discuss their research on Macedonian topics.  For this
conference, papers are being sought primarily in linguistics but topics in
literature, history, and anthropology are also of interest and are

The conference proceedings will be published in some form, most likely as
an issue of Ohio State University Working Papers in Slavic Studies.

Featured speakers are:

         Zuzana Topolinska, Macedonian Academy of Sciences
         Horace G. Lunt, Harvard University

If you are interested, and are a North American scholar (by birth, by
citizenship, or by current affiliation), please send a brief expression
of interest by JULY 15, 2002, with your name, affiliation, mailing
address, and e-mail address, and a tentative title for your proposed paper
by regular mail to:

         Brian D. Joseph
         Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures
         232 Cunz Hall
         The Ohio State University
         Columbus, Ohio  USA  43210

or, preferably, by e-mail to:  joseph.1 at

A full abstract of one page of text plus at most one extra page for
data and references will be due for competitive review by September 30,
2002, to be sent to the above address (by regular mail or e-mail).  A
program will be announced by December 15, 2002.

For answers to questions about this conference, please contact Brian
Joseph at any of the above addresses.

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