Present name of Vozdvizhenskoye (Chechnya)

FRISON Philippe Philippe.FRISON at COE.INT
Fri May 10 07:22:07 UTC 2002


In Chechen tales I am currently working on, appears the name
"Vozdvizhenskoye", which seems to be a pre-revolutionary name of a Russian
settlement on the Argun river in Chechnya (near Grony and Urus-Martan).

In comparing maps, I came to the conclusions that it could have been renamed
"Predgornoe" and then "Kichi-Yurt".

Unfortunately I cannot get access to the 3rd volume of A. Suleymanov,
"Tomonimya Checheno-Ingushetii", Grozny, 1980

Could somebody tell me whether this assumption is correct or not?

Best regards

Philippe FRISON

E-mail: Philippe.Frison at
Bur. EG 104
Conseil de l'Europe
F - 67075 Strasbourg Cedex

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