Prize Competition Announcement

Brian Joseph bjoseph at LING.OHIO-STATE.EDU
Sun May 12 16:31:01 UTC 2002

Dear Slavicist colleagues:

Please take note of this announcement of a Prize competition, and feel
free to pass word of this on to anyone else you think might be interested.

My thanks in advance,


*       Brian D. Joseph                                                      *
*       Professor of Linguistics & Kenneth E. Naylor Professor of            *
*            South Slavic Linguistics                                        *
*       Editor, _Language_                                                   *
*       The Ohio State University                                            *
*       Columbus, Ohio  USA  43210-1298                                      *
*       Phone:  614-292-4981 / Fax:  614-292-8833                            *
*       e-mail:  joseph.1 at                                            *

ANNOUNCING -- The 2002 Competition for:

The Kenneth E. Naylor Young Scholar's Prize in South Slavic
and Balkan Linguistics

In memory of Kenneth E. Naylor, Balkanist and South Slavic
linguist par excellence, the Naylor Professorship in South Slavic
Linguistics in the Department of Slavic and East European
Languages and Literatures at The Ohio State University
established in 1999 a prize of $500 for the best unpublished paper
by a young scholar on a topic in Balkan or South Slavic linguistics.
The third such competition is now officially open.

We thus solicit papers written in English by young scholars -
defined for this competition as an advanced graduate student (who
is beyond his/her first year of study) or someone who is no more
than three years beyond the awarding of the Ph.D. degree at the
time of submission -- that treats some topic either in Balkan
linguistics, taking a comparative approach and treating at least two
languages of Southeastern Europe, or in any of the South Slavic
languages on their own or in relation to the other languages of the

In order to be eligible, the submitted paper must be unpublished,
and not under consideration for publication at the time of
submission; however, papers that have appeared in an issue of a
"Working Papers" series are still eligible for consideration in the
competition.  Those that have appeared in conference proceedings
volumes of any sort are not eligible, unless they are substantially
revised and/or expanded.  Written versions of papers that have
been presented at a conference are eligible, as are papers based on
chapters of dissertations or M.A. theses (but not raw dissertation
chapters or M.A. theses themselves).  In all cases, however, the
Committee will look for self-contained scholarly articles of
publishable quality that treat some relevant topic (as spelled out
above) in an interesting and insightful way, following any
appropriate approach (historical, synchronic, sociolinguistic, etc.)
and any theoretical framework.

Interested scholars should submit four copies of the paper along
with an abstract (no longer than 250 words) and a cover sheet with
the title of the paper, the author's name, affiliation, mailing
address, e-mail address, phone and fax numbers, date of entrance
into an appropriate graduate program or of awarding of Ph.D. (as
the case may be), and US social security number, if the author has
one (having one, though, is not a requirement), to:

        Naylor Prize Competition
        Dept. of Slavic & East European Languages & Literatures
        232 Cunz Hall
        The Ohio State University
        Columbus, Ohio  USA  43210-1215.

The deadline for receipt of the papers in the Department for this,
the third, competition is SEPTEMBER 30, 2002.  The Screening
Committee, consisting of the Naylor Professor and former speakers
in the annual Kenneth E. Naylor Memorial Lecture series, expects
to make the announcement of the winner by January 30, 2003.  The
winning paper will be published (after any necessary revisions) in
an issue of the journal Balkanistica.  The Committee reserves the
right not to award the Prize in a given year.

Please address any inquiries to the Naylor Professor, Brian D.
Joseph, at the above address or via e-mail at joseph.1 at

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