Prague/Budapest Museums?

Zuzana Nagy nagy at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Mon May 13 13:00:20 UTC 2002

Budapest has a scultpure garden on the outskirts - all statues that used
to grace communist Budapest [with the exception of the Stalin torn down
in '56]. Exact address should be in all guidebooks.

As for Prague - it would be interesting to know what happened to the
contents of the Museum of Julius Fucik - bank now, I think.

Hope this helps,

Zuzana Nagy
E-MAIL: nagy at

On Mon, 13 May 2002, Katerina P. King wrote:

> Dear Seelangs,
> a friend asks:
> > Are there any historic locations to visit in either Prague or Budapest that offer insight into the communist period (a museum, memorial)?  Any locales worth visiting that relate either to Prague '68 or Budapest '56?
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Katya King
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