academic libraries moscow

Inna Tigountsova itigount at CHASS.UTORONTO.CA
Wed May 15 16:37:31 UTC 2002

I seem to recall somebody telling me that ALL research libraries are
closed in Moscow in August. You might want to check this before you go.
Inna Tigountsova

On Tue, 14 May 2002, E. Rutten wrote:

> Could someone tell me what academic libraries there are in
> Moscow besides the Lenin Library and the Academic Library of the
> MGU? I am planning to go to Moscow next August for library
> research (my research field: Russian 19th/20th-century literature),
> but both the Lenin and the MGU library are closed at that time. If
> anybody knows a good alternative...
> Thanks in advance!
> Ellen Rutten
> Ellen Rutten
> University of Groningen
> Slavic Department
> Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26
> 9712 EK Groningen
> Tel. + 31 50 3636029 (w)
> Tel. + 31 50 5773501 (h)
> Fax  + 31 50 3635821
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