Attention Russian swingers

Charles Mills cmills at KNOX.EDU
Wed May 22 16:22:22 UTC 2002

Dear List,

I am currently watching Slava Paperno's "Michael & Svetlana" with
second-year students, and reading personal ads as an exercise for fun.
But some of the abbreviations are unfamiliar to me.  (Could it be that
"The Russian's World" neglects the subject of singles ads???)  Help!  If
you're a Russian swinger familiar with the abbreviations below, please
respond to me directly (cmills at  For the rest of you swingers,
I will send a summary to the list.

v/o = vyshee obrazovanie
s/o = ser'eznoe otnoshenie
b/p = bez (durnykh) privychek?
s/s = ? (dlja s/s)
i/o = intimnye otnoshenija?
v/p = vrednych privychek? (bez v/p) (u menja massa v/p)
m/p = material'nych pritenzii? (bez m/p)


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