Hong Kong student seeking help with IPA

Sue Brown sbrown at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Thu May 23 04:25:48 UTC 2002

Dear colleagues,

I have just been contacted by a student in Hong Kong seeking help in
transcribing Slavic numerals into the International Phonetic
Alphabet. As I am not a phonetician and my phonetics courses used a
special phonetic alphabet, I am not able to help him. I have pasted
in his message below. If you can help him, please email him directly.
I'm sure he will be most appreciative.



NOTE: Irrelevant material eliminated and attachment not included.

At 10:18 AM +0800 5/23/02, eugeneslchan wrote:
>X-Sender: eugeneslchan/pop6.ctimail3.com at pop3.norton.antivirus
>Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 10:18:43 +0800
>To: sbrown at fas.harvard.edu
>From: eugeneslchan <eugeneslchan at ctimail3.com>
>Subject: Russian numerals
>Dear Dr. Brown,,
>   My name is Eugene  Chan, I am now preparing a project on
>Indo-European numeral systems with the help of Dr. Steve Matthews in
>the University of Hong Kong.
>     I  have so far collected reliable numeral data from most
>Indo-European languages except for the Russian and some Slavic
>languages ,  I am still not sure the correct  IPA transcription for
>certain numerals.
>   I  am now sending you   the  IPA transcribed  Polish  numerals in
>MS word format, I guess you have installed SIL IPA fonts so  you
>could read the fonts on the file, if you have not , I will send you
>a pdf  version.
>      If  time permits, would you mind doing me a favour ? I would be
>very appreciated if  you could kindly take time to check and teach
>me the correct   IPA  transcribed   cardinal numerals for Russian
>and  some other  Slavic languages.
>     Thank you very much in advance for your help. I am  sorry for
>the   trouble.
>      Best wishes and kindest regards,
>        Yours  sincerely,
>        Eugene  Chan


Sue Brown
Associate Professor of Slavic Linguistics
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Harvard University
Barker Center
12 Quincy Street
Cambridge MA  02138
Office:         (617) 495-2457
Department:     (617) 495-4065
Fax:            (617) 496-4466  (ATTN: Sue Brown)
Office Hours:   TBA (Barker 328)

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