UCLA LMP Survey of Materials solicits your data

A. Stern anstern at HUMNET.UCLA.EDU
Tue May 28 22:49:48 UTC 2002

I am writing on behalf of the UCLA Languages Materials Project (LMP), where
we are conducting a Survey of materials used and needed in teaching Less
Ccommonly Taught Languages (LCTL), including the modern Slavic languages.
We would appreciate your time and input, in order to get as complete a
picture as possible about the state of teaching materials for the Slavic
languages.  You can access the Survey at our web site http://lmp.ucla.edu.

The aim of the LMP Survey, which is funded by a grant from the US
Department of Education, is to update and expand the national picture of
resources used in foreign language teaching, by providing an account of
materials currently used in LCTL teaching nationwide and to gather opinions
about the national need for LCTL teaching materials.  The Survey was
developed in collaboration with the Center for Applied Linguistics, who
conducted the first large-scale comprehensive survey of language teaching
materials, which was conducted in 1993.

The Survey results will be reported directly to the Department of Education
and will also be published on the LMP web site, so they may benefit those
on all levels of LCTL instruction in both the public and private sectors.

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