Call for articles

Balagan Balagan balagan.balagan at SPRACHLIT.UNI-REGENSBURG.DE
Fri May 31 09:32:14 UTC 2002

The periodical Balagan ¯ Slavic drama, theater and cinema is calling for articles for ist next edition
upcoming end of the year.
It is the goal of Balagan to encompass the entire historical and geographical range of Slavic drama,
theatre and cinema. Special attention will be paid to smaller Slavic cultures and ealrlier historical periods.
The unique profile of Balagan  includes both documents from the history of drama and theatre, as well
as articles on film. The document section includes significant historical texts on the history and theory of
Slavic drama and theatre, most of which will be translatedinto German as a Western language for the first
time. All documents will be supplied with commentaires. In addition, Balagan provides a survey of the
current Situation in Slavic drama, theatre and film will be provided.
Balagan is published by Walter Koschmal (Regensburg), and Herta Schmid (Potsdam) in co-operation
with J. Douglas Clayton (Ottawa), Jiri Holy (Prag), Magdalena Medaric (Zagreb), Dobrochna Ratajczak
(Poznan) and others.
Balagan is published twice a year  (usually in summer and winter). The publication languages are
German and English.
The deadline for contributions for the next issue will be August 16th.
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