Help with stress study

Katherine Crosswhite crosswhi at LING.ROCHESTER.EDU
Fri May 31 14:59:26 UTC 2002

Dear Seelangers,

I am currently working on a study concerning stress placement in
Russian.  A colleague and I will be presenting native speakers with some
made-up words of Russian.  We want to see where they place stress for
each word, and whether this is affected by various morphological and
syntactic factors.  We decided it would be a good idea to norm our words
for perceived Russian-ness beforehand.  Would there be 4 or 5 native
speakers of Russian on this list willing to donate 15 minutes or so to
help us with this?  It can be done be email as long as you have access
to a Cyrillic-capable Windows computer and can receive email attachments.

If you are willing to participate, please send me an email off-list to crosswhi at

Thanks in advance!

Katherine Crosswhite
University of Rochester

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