FW: 14.607, Calls: Expert on West Slavic Langs Needed Immediately

Loren A. Billings billings at NCNU.EDU.TW
Tue Mar 4 08:47:25 UTC 2003

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From: LINGUIST List <linguist at linguistlist.org>
Reply-To: linguist at linguistlist.org
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 18:07:02 -0000
Subject: 14.607, Calls: Expert on West Slavic Langs Needed Immediately

Date:  Mon, 3 Mar 2003 08:23:40 -0500
From:  "Dennis R. Preston" <preston at pilot.msu.edu>
Subject:  The Encyclopedia of the Midwest: Author needed!

West Slavic in the Encyclopedia of the Midwest

As announced previously on LinguistList ( Linguist 13.1076), the
forthcoming Encyclopedia of the Midwest will contain a substantial
section on language, including entries on Native American languages of
the region, varieties of English, and other languages.

Unfortunately, due to illness, the contributor who was to have written
an entry on West Slavic languages (principally on Polish but to
include some reference to Czech and Slovak) cannot deliver.

I am seeking the impossible:

1) A linguistically sophisticated but "popular intelligent reader"
accessible 1,000 word entry on these languages in the US Midwest.
Typically, such entries have included a very brief structural sketch
of the language(s), some discussion of the principal dialect
varieties which came to the US (which, in this case, will surely
include reference to the important work done on Polish dialect
preservation in the US by M. Gruchmanowa of A. Mickiewicz Univ. in
Poznan), an account of language support venues in the US (church,
regular and Saturday schools, newspaper, radio, television), and
influences on English and vice-versa in the contact situation.

2) Fairly rapid delivery of this entry. (Nearly all entries for this
section are complete.)

Nevertheless, I hope a hero will step up to the plate (lots of great
Polish-American hitters, not to demean the pitchers). If you can help
this enterprise, please get in touch with me at <preston at msu.edu>, and
I will provide you with the details.

Dennis R. Preston
Professor of Linguistics
Department of Linguistics & Germanic, Slavic,
      Asian & African Languages
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1027
e-mail: preston at msu.edu

LINGUIST List: Vol-14-607

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