Teaching Award winners

J. Rouhier-Willoughby jrouhie at POP.UKY.EDU
Thu Mar 6 14:47:25 UTC 2003

I am writing an article for the AAASS newsletter on the practice of
teaching in Slavic languages and am searching for some successful
teachers to contribute their thoughts to mine. I have a few questions
for you to answer, which you could do via email and would not take
long. If you are interested, please email me off list at
jrouhie at uky.edu
Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby
Associate Professor
Russian and Eastern Studies and Linguistics
1055 Patterson Office Tower
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0027
Office: (859) 257-1756
Fax: (859) 257-3743
Russian and Eastern Studies: (859) 257-3761
jrouhie at uky.edu

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