
Lauren Leighton laurengl at PTWI.NET
Thu Mar 6 14:52:22 UTC 2003

Whatever happened to "Why Study Russian?" Surely AATSEEL must have a few
remaining copies; and if not, the pamphlet is well worth reprinting for
members and other interested persons. I don't remember when the last batch
was done. I do remember that when it was done, Zita Dabars did an additional
deluxe, coffee-table version--the kind of gorgeous publication deans and
provosts like to leave lying around their waiting room. The first version,
ca. 1940s (?), was typed with carbon copies. Helen Yakobson and others did
ever better, more elaborate versions through the years. The fact that it
continued to be used suggests that it was an effective means of educating
students, administrators, and others about the value of Russian.
        P.S. I'm sending copies of this to Kathleen Dillon and Ben Rifkin.
        P.P.S. In the event that a new version is wanted, Ben's recent set of
arguments for study of Russian is surely worth including.

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