Okudzhava Inquiry

E. Boyle emboyle at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Thu Mar 6 20:15:50 UTC 2003

Okudzhava's song "Pesenka o golubom sharike" follows the stages of life,
from a little girl losing a balloon to an old woman nearing the end of her

In the last verse, the balloon comes back and the last line is "A on

There is a brief note in my Ardis collection of 65 songs that "In Russian
literature and folklore light blue is often associated with poetic

Can anyone elaborate on that?


Eloise M. Boyle
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
University of Washington
Box 353580
Seattle, WA  98195
(206) 543-7580
Fax: (206) 543-6009

e-mail: emboyle at u.washington.edu

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