Translation of Attestatsionniye Proverki

WADE,Richard Richard.WADE at DEST.GOV.AU
Fri Mar 7 01:40:02 UTC 2003

Hello Seelangs.

I work for the Australian Federal government in international education. I am a keen Russophile and enjoy reading SEELANGS.

I am dealing with an education award from the International Non-State Institute of Labour and Social Relations in Belarus.
The website is in Russian.  (

It says that in 1996 and 1997 it completed an Attestatsionniye Proverki i.e.
В 1996 и 1997 годах в институте успешно завершились аттестационные проверки с целью аккредитации специальностей (приказ министра образования от15.06.1996 г. № 311, сертификат № 17 и от 20.06.1997 г. № 339, сертификат № 339.

Question: Does an Attestatsionniye Proverki mean that the institution is now accredited by the government?  The dictionary doesn’t help.  I know that there is an Attestatsionnaya Kommisiya which is translated as an examination board.

Establishing the date of government accreditation / recognition of this institution is important for a resolution of this case.

Any help would be appreciated

Yours sincerely.

Richard Wade
National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR)
CANBERRA, Australia
Email: Richard.wade at

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