ESL in Moscow

Katerina P. King kpking at MTHOLYOKE.EDU
Fri Mar 7 19:30:52 UTC 2003

I am copying in a couple of responses I got to a similar query back in
Katya King

       Janneke van de Stadt <Janneke.vandeStadt at>

I remember seeing a posting on SEELANGS from a lyceum in Moscow that was
looking to PAY a teacher of English.  They wanted a candidate for both last
year and the next.  It may be worth contacting them to see if the position
opened up again and/or if they know of similar needs in English elsewhere.

It's a lyceum called "Stupeni," and the email is stupeni at

Hope this helps!


       "Benjamin Sutcliffe" <bmsst37 at>

I have taught English in Moscow and Nizhnii Novgorod with English
First--the teachers were paid $600 a month, and received free airfare,
apartment, and visa support. The contact person for EF in Moscow used to be
Tat'iana Shesteperova. I know that BKC House in Moscow is
also hiring.
Your student might also look at Dave Sperling's on-line ESL site: there are
often ads for English teachers in East Europe or Russia. In Russia
you often do not need to be ESL/EFL certified. Your student should also
look at the on-line _Moscow Times_ and _St. Petersburg Times_.
There is a very high chance that he or she will find a job.
Feel free to give my e-mail address to your student.
--Benjamin Sutcliffe

Alexei Bogdanov wrote:
> Dear All,
> A friend of mine, a graduating M.A. student, wants to teach
> English in Moscow, beginning this fall.  Does anyone have
> any experience with this, contact information, etc.?  Any
> suggestions or recommendations will be appreciated.
> I vaguely remember a similar discussion some time ago.
> Thanks in advance,
> Alexei
> =====================
> Alexei Bogdanov
> University of Colorado at Boulder
> Boulder, CO  80309-0318
> (303) 492-2419
> alexei.bogdanov at
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Katerina P. King, Ph.D.
Assistant Director For Fellowships and Scholarships
Career Development Center
Mount Holyoke College
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Tel. (413)538-2080  Fax. (413)538-2081  Home (413)535-0129

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                My hours during spring semester are: Mo, Tu, & Th 9-1, We, Fr 1-5

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