
Emily Tall mllemily at ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU
Tue Mar 11 11:52:55 UTC 2003

For those of you who teach Dostoevsky and want an example of how he is
relevant to the modern world, see the playwright Tony Kushner's
absolutely brilliant piece (a scene from a new play) called "Only We Who
Guard The Mystery Shall Be Unhappy." Inspired by the "Grand Inquisitor"
episode in "Bros. Karamazov," it features Laura Bush coming to read to
dead Iraqui children. She, of course, represents the Inquisitor, and the
dead children,--well, I think you can guess. It was published in the
current (March 24) issue of The Nation, pp. 11-15, and it just took my
breath away. Talk about making literature come alive!!  It is, of
course, against the war with Iraq.
    Regards to all, Emily Tall

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