Question on Mandelstam edition

Irina Shevelenko shevelenko at MAIL.LANCK.NET
Wed Mar 12 18:23:30 UTC 2003

You may want to research the Gleb Struve Collection at the Hoover Institution
Archive at Stanford. It has Filippov's letters to Struve with lots of
insights into the process of their work on various editions of Russian 20th
century writers, including Mandel'shtam. Yes, hints (and more) to CIA funding
are also there.

Irina Shevelenko

kathleen ahern wrote:

> I'm interested in the history of the Mandelstam
> collected works, ed.Struve/Fillipov (1955) which came out of Chekhov
> Publishing House. Any suggestions for tracking down
> personal/professional papers from these two scholars or finding a
> history of this publishing house?  I think I remember that it was
> funded by Ford Foundation/CIA cash.
> Thanks!
> ----------------------

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