
gadassov gadassov at IFRANCE.COM
Thu Mar 13 23:01:43 UTC 2003

le 13/03/03 10:19, Edil Legno à peitlova at TISCALINET.IT a écrit :

> My dictionary  gives me:
> - официозный  (прил.) - officious( adj.)
> - официоз - officious  organ (newspaper)
> Best wishes
> Katarìna Peitlovà,Ph.Dr.

"officious" means: "offering service that is not wanted, doing or
undertaking more than is required" (Oxford dictionary)
"official" means: "holding office, employed in public capacity" (same)

официозный has nothing  in common with "officious" (слишком услуживый)
официозный opposes то офицуальный : unofficial/official


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