[SEELANGS] translation of «úݟݫÕ

gadassov gadassov at IFRANCE.COM
Thu Mar 13 23:15:40 UTC 2003

le 14/03/03 2:52, Alina Israeli à aisrael at AMERICAN.EDU a écrit :

> Well, this is a case of a borrowing gone "wrong" or at least sideways. It
> often happens. "Vinegret" in Russian is a salad, not a sauce "vinaigrette"
> and the list of such case is quite long and traitorous. There is even a
> book on "faux amis" (I keep it under my pillow), "oficioz" is just one of
> those diverging cases.

Languages evoluate, and often original meanings are forgotten.
In this case, it's possible we face two kind of spoken russian, the soviet
one, and the old emigration one (it's not the first time you and me discuss
such a difference!).


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