Non-academic jobs using Russian and other Slavic langs.

Natalie O. Kononenko nkm at UNIX.MAIL.VIRGINIA.EDU
Fri Mar 14 18:14:53 UTC 2003

Just a quick word of reassurance to those interested in non-academic jobs:
I myself am an academic and have produced a number of professors, but I
have also had a number of students who went into non-academic careers:

2 work for museums, Sackler and Cooper-Hewitt

Quite a few are in instructional technology, or humanities computing.  My
most recent grad of this type works for a business.  Others have ended up
at universities, running language labs, technology centers.

Quite of few have taken govt. or govt. related (NGO) positions.  Some have
ended up with private companies like Ford and May Kay cosmetics working in
Russia, Ukraine, Khazakstan.

And a couple have ended up in the entertainment industry.

I should end this message by saying that I am a folklorist and knowing
folklore, in addition to the languages and cultures of East Europe has
been a key to all of these cool jobs.

Natalie Kononenko

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