Any of you NOT in academia?

Nora Favorov norafavorov at EARTHLINK.NET
Fri Mar 14 19:47:27 UTC 2003

> Genevra Gerhart wrote:
> > Dear Katie,
> > It's no problem at all (to support yourself using your Russian)!!
> >
> > Just marry someone willing to support you.
> I DO hope that was a joke!

Well, Paul, I'll jump to Genevra's defense.  Those of us more focused on the
humanities side of Russian translation/literature/culture simply couldn't be
doing what we do without a little outside financial support.  The only
translators I know who manage to crack the $20,000/year mark are those who
work in engineering, science, law or finance (and in some cases,
medicine)--and of course interpreters, who make a much higher hourly rate
and possess a rarer gift (personally, I couldn't stand in front of a room of
people and repeat for 2 hours in English what was being said in English, no
less translating on the spot what was being said in Russian).

And here I'll put in a plug for the Slavic Languages Division of the
American Translators Assoc.,  of which I'm currently the administrator (of
the SLD).  Any of you with students/grad students interested in developing
themselves into translators or interpreters can feel free to tell them to
contact me or at least check our web site (below).  We have rather a nice
newsletter, The SlavFile, posted on our website, written by and for us
translators/interpreters working in the Slavic languages.

Nora S. Favorov
Slavic Languages Division
American Translators Association
8364 Amber Oak Dr.
Orlando, FL  32817
Tel/Fax:  407-679-8151
Reply to:  norafavorov at

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