language certification

Masako Fidler Masako_Fidler at BROWN.EDU
Wed Mar 19 06:56:29 UTC 2003

Dear SEELANGers:
Does your institution issue a language certificate of some sort in
Russian (and/or other Slavic languages)? If so, I would appreciate it
if you could send me information about the following points:

(1) the criteria used for the certification (OPI? other tests?
coursework? Are certain language skills considered more important
than others (e.g. reading, speaking)?)

(2) the exact name of the certificate in students' official
transcripts (advanced language certification? language certification?)

(3) usefulness of the certificate (improving employability of
students, visibility of the language program?)

Thank you in advance for the help.
Please respond offlist (to Masako_Fidler at

Mako Fidler

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